Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Newsletter Signup

The Lumarix newsletter signup box is configured to help list growth.

Our best advice is to be honest in your call to action about what you will be sending the user. If it is new call it news, if your sending discounts call it discounts, if its a splatering of news, discounts and quirky gifs with some amusing thoughts call it just that.

We've provided a place to show your users what to expect. You can link to the last email sent with most platforms of you could link an example email and leave it static.


To change or edit the newsletter area follow the instructions below:


Whilst the functions for editing are being scoped and built we have a workaround for making edit.

A temporary fix is to enable inline translate.
Go to Stores > Config > Advanced > Developer > Translate Inline
Enable Translate inline
Clear cache and then edit the newsletter text on the front end of the site.


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Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.