Lumarix deployment guide

Lumarix deployment guide






This package will install the Base Lumarix theme to Magento with the Magento/Blank as it's parent theme.

It will also install the required CMS Blocks, Pages and Third Party Modules required for the theme.



composer create-project --repository-url=https://repo.magento.com/ magento/project-community-edition .
  • Set Magento file permissions

find var generated vendor pub/static pub/media app/etc -type f -exec chmod g+w {} + find var generated vendor pub/static pub/media app/etc -type d -exec chmod g+ws {} + chown -R :www-data . chmod u+x bin/magento


  • Install Magento on the command line, changing database details & store URLs

    bin/magento setup:install --cleanup-database \ --base-url=http://test.lumarix.shop/ \ --db-host=db1.i \ --db-name=lumarix_test \ --db-user=lumarixtest \ --db-password=gFD6kNvcdfo6 \ --admin-firstname=Rixxo \ --admin-lastname=Admin \ --admin-email=dev@rixxo.com \ --admin-user=rixxo \ --admin-password=rixxo123 \ --backend-frontname=lumarixadmin \ --language=en_GB \ --currency=GBP \ --timezone=Europe/London \ --use-rewrites=1 \ --search-engine=elasticsearch7 \ --elasticsearch-host=search1.i \ --elasticsearch-port=9200


  • Create the file auth.json in the document root directory with the following content:

    { "http-basic": { "repo.magento.com": { "username":"16fa74b8c1076dd14e75ba35434537dd", "password":"7a8596da3464634d531e402f39f04cd5" }, "dist.aheadworks.com": { "username": "AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC52KiKTJxjjaUKGcqEF5jDEhpzqb8W0o8L", "password": "MIIEpAIBAAKCAQEAudioikycY42lChnKhBeYwxIac6m/FtKPC4ZDFmlhdDK+hX3F" } } }


  • Install Sample Data now (optional)

    bin/magento sampledata:deploy bin/magento setup:upgrade bin/magento setup:di:compile bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy


  • Configure Composer to use the Rixxo Repository authorisation token

    composer config --global --auth http-basic.rixxo.repo.repman.io token fa87c5fd081f292ac02869e8d8b317951a99d1d0de7f99dffac4d432a3c8a123


  • Add the Rixxo composer repository

    composer config repositories.rixxo composer https://rixxo.repo.repman.io


  • Add the Aheadworks composer repository

    composer config repositories.aheadworks composer https://dist.aheadworks.com/


  • Install the Lumarix Theme and included modules

    composer require rixxo/theme-frontend-lumarix


  • Run the following commands to complete the setup of Magento

    bin/magento setup:upgrade bin/magento setup:di:compile bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy


  • Log in to the Magento Admin at /lumarixadmin using the admin details from the installation step. From the Admin side menu select "Content -> Design -> Configuration". Select 'edit' on the top entry in the list, change the 'Applied Theme' to Rixxo/Lumarix.

  • Scroll down to 'Header' and replace the logo and save the configuration

  • Configure product placeholder images at "Stores > Settings > Configuration -> Catalog -> Catalog"

  • Install the Lumarix CMS Blocks & Widgets

    bin/magento rixxo:lumarix:install-blocks


  • Clear the cache

    bin/magento clear:cache

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