Lumarix deployment guide
This package will install the Base Lumarix theme to Magento with the Magento/Blank as it's parent theme.
It will also install the required CMS Blocks, Pages and Third Party Modules required for the theme.
Create the database and user as per Sonassi guidelines -
Navigate to the website document root (/http directory on Sonassi)
Create a Magento 2 project using Composer
composer create-project --repository-url= magento/project-community-edition .
Set Magento file permissions
find var generated vendor pub/static pub/media app/etc -type f -exec chmod g+w {} +
find var generated vendor pub/static pub/media app/etc -type d -exec chmod g+ws {} +
chown -R :www-data .
chmod u+x bin/magento
Install Magento on the command line, changing database details & store URLs
bin/magento setup:install --cleanup-database \ --base-url= \ --db-host=db1.i \ --db-name=lumarix_test \ --db-user=lumarixtest \ --db-password=gFD6kNvcdfo6 \ --admin-firstname=Rixxo \ --admin-lastname=Admin \ \ --admin-user=rixxo \ --admin-password=rixxo123 \ --backend-frontname=lumarixadmin \ --language=en_GB \ --currency=GBP \ --timezone=Europe/London \ --use-rewrites=1 \ --search-engine=elasticsearch7 \ --elasticsearch-host=search1.i \ --elasticsearch-port=9200
Create the file auth.json in the document root directory with the following content:
Install Sample Data now (optional)
Configure Composer to use the Rixxo Repository authorisation token
Add the Rixxo composer repository
Add the Aheadworks composer repository
Install the Lumarix Theme and included modules
Run the following commands to complete the setup of Magento
Log in to the Magento Admin at /lumarixadmin using the admin details from the installation step. From the Admin side menu select "Content -> Design -> Configuration". Select 'edit' on the top entry in the list, change the 'Applied Theme' to Rixxo/Lumarix.
Scroll down to 'Header' and replace the logo and save the configuration
Configure product placeholder images at "Stores > Settings > Configuration -> Catalog -> Catalog"
Install the Lumarix CMS Blocks & Widgets
Clear the cache